15 March 2011

Bintulu - Kuching - Bintulu

First and foremost, I would like to express my MASSIVE gratitude to our 'supir' berhemah, Zef and his 'always-ready-to-serve'- Putih, for making this trip a great one. We drove from Bintulu at as early as 6 am, stopped in Sibu for a quick breakfast before continued and safely reached Kuching at nearly 5 pm. We stayed at Nomad Borneo (which I would totally recommend to backpackers), a place that surely makes u feel like home and a worth to stay in. We took a family room (with a queen and a double-decked bed) that can occupy 4 persons for only RM90 pernight.

Reception counter (my zero skill with camera -_-")

Zef and Niza with their breakfast. Breakfast is 24/7!

Family room

Chilling spot ^_^

On the next day, we visited Semengoh National Park, located about 24km from Kuching (actual plan was to Bako National Park but we were told that it was flooding season, so we had to cancel). We were lucky as when we got there, it was feeding time for Orang Utan. After a short briefing by the park ranger, we proceeded to the feeding area to watch orang utan. For more activities and information on Semengoh National Park, visit Sarawak Forestry Corporation.

Orang Utan's hierarchy in Semengoh

Feeding time

This picture reminds me of Pindoh & Jos...=D

24 January 2011

A day trip to Sg Asap, Belaga

It was another boring weekend, so we decided to make a day trip to help us kill the day. The plan was supposed to head for Bakun, but due to the unpleasant and torturing condition of the road, we decided to drive up only until Sg Asap, Belaga which took us 3-hours. Somehow it was still an exciting trip.  I was so stirred to capture pictures of unique Kenyah/Kayan's graveyard along the way but stopped by Zef who thought we might disturbed the 'villagers' privacy'. -_-"
Uma Belor, Sg Asap Belaga
Massive 'tajau'
At Kapit-Bintulu boundary
Us with Putih ^_^